
Showing posts from April, 2020

Blind Courage

Yes _You Can / No_You Cant Every setting day is one of fleeting promises. What to do and not to do seems far fetched. Growing up(maturity) alone is our biggest of challenges. Ever wondering how to live full acclaimed to positivity. Within this mix of perplexity sparks a modicum of hope; Any label to this hope is rather demeaning  but allow me call it blind courage; A pill that will build your life everyday into a Rome.

Life Ego

In life we walk everyday with one foot called reality and the other hope . Never do you fully master the discipline to regulate each foot print as it should be. Day by day we all long for life to come to a place we can sincerely call home, But life is a wheel of choices and the wheel only keeps turning ,when and how it wills-So Courageously with every breathe we push on _ on and on ,only to break into an endless cycle day and night. Day and night become our daily bread we begin to take life for granted. We become masters of our illusions and lure the crowds to our tables. In masses praise beams to our castles built in thin air. We pull to our selves the much that we can hold w ith the hope to fully grasp life  ; Materialism is the fastest fading currency but this truth is a personal quest to unveil.