Happy Mama's Day

Every mother has/had a mother figure from whom they learnt the generosity of the ❤️-a capability propagated by heaven in a special way for an immeasurable purpose.

Life begins and ends with the mother's actions in regard to the child - thinking & hoping for the new life. Time tells its tales and the care(genuine concern; Isaiah 49.15) through the years has a dividend of a compassionate citizen willing to pay the mother's ❣️ forward in un calibrated ways.

As the ripples of ❤️ continue to travel through society a new mother is born -sometimes out of circumstance and other times out of choice - bringing the world to even greater love.

❤️ will change the world - Mothers will always be ❤️



  1. I wish I saw this earlier, I would have sent it to my moma. I was a little confused with the heart emojis at first.


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