
 Now Now Now! Repost from facebook (sorry no link/no edits) : I did not write this - but WOW does it speak to my heart!!! Worth the read... Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday. ... and the month is already over. ... and the year is almost over. ... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed. ... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends. and we realize it's too late to go back... So... Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time... Let's keep looking for activities that we like... Let's put some color in our grey... Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts. And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let's try to eliminate the afters... I'm doing it after... I'll say after... I'll think about it after... We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours. Be
  Ha ppy Mother's Day. Mama calls me every often to say -lekera okwewamba (In our home; loosely translated to mean keep in touch dear child).  Oh, the weight of Mama's touch - had she been a politician she'd be the greatest on the canvas of history,  had she been a movie, she'd be an all-time best seller,  had she been your friend, she'd be a  crème de la crème. Well, your craft is safe as she's none of those things, but she is my mother- a top-notch disciplinarian and life's most noble gift. Before I knew my name, she saw the best in me.  For every first, she knew there would be a second.  From fractures to failures, she's been my antidote. In every worthwhile book, she seems to have a page. In a fast-paced world, she's the only actual conservative. With a big heart that daily crossed the ocean that friengers (friends that became strangers) will become family. With a third of life gone by, I look around for strength  to carry on   in a world that

Universal Hope Tree

 Dear Universe, Yesterday -I was but a toddler. Today I am a young adult. Not so long from now, I will be old and grey.  All this happens in a blink of an eye, the mystery of time is baffling . I have celebrated a few birthdays in the last quarter century as I do today. I have seen a lot of enthusiasm for my little dreams, am humbled. Shared Joy is Double Joy, Shared sorrow is Half sorrow- This Swedish proverb is true for me through your generosity in all seasons. I may never repay you directly but I will be the tree you planted to provide hope to to the future. Thank you for entrusting me. Universal Hope Partner- Tonny.

Happy Mama's Day

Every mother has/had a mother figure from whom they learnt the generosity of the ❤️-a capability propagated by heaven in a special way for an immeasurable purpose. Life begins and ends with the mother's actions in regard to the child - thinking & hoping for the new life. Time tells its tales and the care(genuine concern; Isaiah 49.15) through the years has a dividend of a compassionate citizen willing to pay the mother's ❣️ forward in un calibrated ways. As the ripples of ❤️ continue to travel through society a new mother is born -sometimes out of circumstance and other times out of choice - bringing the world to even greater love. ❤️ will change the world - Mothers will always be ❤️ HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

Women on wheels.

HAPPY  INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY My Heart is void of many things,    This Life is void of many things, The Friends are void of many things, Skills are void of many things, Character is void of many things, Nation is void of many things,   Happiness is void of many things. "The void                     is extinguished when                                women are on the wheel." Mama, you continue to go above and beyond to raise me in a heartful manner , with a steady paced life, with global friends that have moonshot skills and enduring character in a sojourning nation unto eternal happiness.  In a world of inconsistency, you have been a consistent role model to me every step of the way. I celebrate you today and always for you have mothered my best of memories. Love ,Ibanda {The African Seasoned Kid}  

Blind Courage

Yes _You Can / No_You Cant Every setting day is one of fleeting promises. What to do and not to do seems far fetched. Growing up(maturity) alone is our biggest of challenges. Ever wondering how to live full acclaimed to positivity. Within this mix of perplexity sparks a modicum of hope; Any label to this hope is rather demeaning  but allow me call it blind courage; A pill that will build your life everyday into a Rome.

Life Ego

In life we walk everyday with one foot called reality and the other hope . Never do you fully master the discipline to regulate each foot print as it should be. Day by day we all long for life to come to a place we can sincerely call home, But life is a wheel of choices and the wheel only keeps turning ,when and how it wills-So Courageously with every breathe we push on _ on and on ,only to break into an endless cycle day and night. Day and night become our daily bread we begin to take life for granted. We become masters of our illusions and lure the crowds to our tables. In masses praise beams to our castles built in thin air. We pull to our selves the much that we can hold w ith the hope to fully grasp life  ; Materialism is the fastest fading currency but this truth is a personal quest to unveil.